Task list - - Commands - - MRS (Pubset administration)

MRS [srch] All entries in the MRS catalog will be displayed.

srch Only those MRS entries containing the specified search string will be displayed. srch can be a simple or multiple search condition. For further information, see page .

The MRS screen will look as follows:

With a mouseclick you get a describtion of the screen item.

Commands: The following commands are permissible from the Command field:

CFS This command will return the user to CFS, if MRS was called from CFS.

NP* Update the list.

POS xxx=yyy Position permanently at a particular list entry, particularly after NP* (xxx = field from title line, yyy = required contents)

PUBSP [pubset] [, FILE=file] [, SUM]

A screen will be displayed in which the utilisation of all available online pubsets, or only particular pubsets, will be displayed.

srch [=INSRT -] Search for a particular entry in the list, and, if required, remove it from the display

SORT xxx Sort the list on any field displayed in the title line

EXPL file Export the list to a file

HC file /NHC Capture the screen to a Hardcopy file.

Action Codes: The following Action Codes may be entered from this screen:

EXP An Export-Pubset command will be issued for the required Pubset.

EXPF The Export-Pubset command will be issued with a TERMINATE-JOBS=*YES parameter.

FREE Only for locally-available Pubsets / Volume Sets:

A screen depicting all the free blocks currently existing on the PVS will be displayed, sorted in descending size order.

If the Action Code is entered from a PDT or VOL screen, the list will then represent the free blocks on that volume only.

The screen format is described on page .

IMP An Import-Pubset command will be executed for the required PVS.

IMPN The Import-Pubset command will be issued with a SESSION-CHECK-MSG=*NO parameter.

PUB Only for locally-available Pubsets / Volume-Sets:

The Pubspace list for the specified PVS will be deisplayed.

For further information, see the description of the PUBSP command.

The Pubspace list offers similar information to the Volume list (Action Code VOL, see below). The difference between the PUB and VOL lists is that the VOL screen offers an Action Code field for each volume for entering volume-specific Action Codes such as FREE.

REF Only for locally-available Pubsets/Volume sets:

A list of all tasks which have opened files on the specified PVS will be displayed (TAS User Option PVSREF).

SPA A SHOW-PUBSET-ATTRIBUTES command will be executed for the required Pubset or Volume set. This command will display those values created with a SET-PUBSET-ATTRIBUTES commands.

This Action Code is available from OSD V3.0.

SPC A SHOW-PUBSET-CONFIGURATION command will be executed for the required Pubset or Volume set. This command provides information about the physical attributes of the PVS, i.e. device and volume-specific information.

This Action Code is available from OSD V3.0.

SPF A SHOW-PUBSET-FILE-SERVICES command will be executed for the required Pubset. This command provides information such as Work-File, Availability, Performance and other storage-related information.

This Action Code is available from OSD V3.0.

SPP A SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMETERS INF=*ALL command will be executed for the required Pubset or Volume set. This command provides information about the default and current values for the operational Pubset parameters.

SPPA as above, except restricted to SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMTERS INF=*ALLOCATION

SPPC as above, except restricted to SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMTERS INF=*CACHE

SPPE as above, except restricted to SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMTERS INF=*EAM

SPPG as above, except restricted to SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMTERS INF=*GLOBAL

SPPO as above, except restricted to SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMTERS INF=*OCCUPATION

SPPS as above, except restricted to SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMTERS INF=*SUMMARY

This Action Code is available from OSD V3.0.

SPS Only for locally-available Pubsets/Volume sets:

A SHOW-PUBSET-SPACE-ALLOCATION command will be executed for the required Pubset or Volume set. This command provides utilisation information for a pubset.

This Action Code is available from OSD V3.0.

VOL Only for locally-available Pubsets/Volume sets:

The Volume list for the specified PVS will be displayed.

For further information, see page .

SH A SHOW-MRSCAT-ENTRY command will be executed for SF pubsets and a SHOW-PUBSET-PARAMETERS command for SM pubsets (from OSD V3.0).

M A MODIFY-MRSCAT-ENTRY command will be issued.

REM Only for locally-available Pubsets / volume sets:

The REMOVE-MRSCAT-ENTRY command will be executed.

OPT A reorganisation of the PVS will be started using the standard parameters. The SPACEOPT subsystem must be loaded.

OPT? The SDF dialog for the command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB will be displayed. The user can thus modify any of the parameters required for the reorganisation of the PVS.

OPTI Information about the fragmentation of the volumes of the PVS will be displayed (/SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION).

OPTJ Information on the status of the reorganisation job currently running will be displayed (/SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS).

VOL This Action Code - entered from the MRS screen for a PVS/Volume set - will result in a list of all volumes associated with this locally-available PVS/Volume set.

If the Action Code is entered from a PDT list, then all volumes associated with the Pubset/Volume set to which the marked volume belongs, will be displayed.

The VOL screen looks as follows:

With a mouseclick you get a describtion of the screen item.

Commands: The following entries, amongst others, are permitted from the command field of this screen:

CFS This command returns the user to CFS, if that was from where the MRS screen was called.

NP* Update the list.

POS xxx=yyy Position permanently at a particular list entry, particularly after NP* (xxx = field from title line, yyy = required contents)

PUBSP [pubset] [, FILE=file] [, SUM]

A screen will be displayed in which the utilisation of all available online pubsets, or only particular pubsets, will be displayed.

srch [=INSRT -] Search for a specific entry in the list, and if required, remove it from the list.

SORT xxx Sort the list on any attribute from the title line

EXPL file Export the list to a file

HC file /NHC Log the screen to a Hardcopy file.

Action Codes: The following Action Codes can be entered from this screen:

FREE A screen will be displayed showing the free blocks on the specified volume, sorted in descending order on free block size.

The format of the screen is described on page .

FREE This Action Code - entered from the MRS screen for a PVS/Volume set - will result in a list of the unused blocks being displayed for a specified PVS or Volume Set from all locally-available Pubsets. The default sort order is descending, based on the size of the blocks.

If the Action Code is entered from the PDT list, or from the VOL screen (see page ), the free areas will be displayed for the specific volume only.

The FREE screen will be displayed as follows:

With a mouseclick you get a describtion of the screen item.

Commands: The following entries are permmitted from the command field of this screen:

CFS The user will be returned to CFS, if that was from where the MRS screen was called.

NP* Update the list.

POS xxx=yyy Position permanently at a particular list entry, particularly after NP* (xxx = field from title line, yyy = required contents)

PUBSP [pubset] [, FILE=file] [, SUM]

A screen showing the utilisation of all volumes of all available online pubsets, or a specific pubset will be displayed.

srch [=INSRT -] Search for a specific entry in the list, and if required, remove it from the list.

SORT xxx Sort the list on any attribute in the title line

EXPL file Export the list to a file

HC file /NHC Log the screen to a Hardcopy file.

Action Codes: The following Action Codes can be entered from this screen:

FILE The flagged free blocks of the volume will be filled with an extent of a dummy file.

A screen will be displayed in which the name of a file can be entered. (Default: :x:$TSOS.CFS.ABS.ALLOC).

The absolute space allocation will cause the extent to be created by filling exactly the marked free blocks on the volume. Entering the Action Code repeatedly will result in the same file being presented as the default name. This offers an easy way of filling the free blocks with a single file with a specific name.