ONXADD Add Files to Library

ONXADD library [,CA] [,CPR] [,CL[typ]]

Add the files marked with X to a library (FMS/LMS/PLAM).

Transfer the elements marked with an X to another library.

library Library name in which the elements should be stored.

The element names are created from the input file names or from the input element names.

When adding objects to ISAM LMS libraries, it should be noted that the element name will consist only of the first 8 characters of the last partial qualification of the input name.

CA Copy All Delta Versions. This parameter is only relevant when transfering elements between two PLAM libraries. For a full description, see page 5-.

CPR Copy Protection. This parameter is only relevant when transfering elements between two PLAM libraries. For a full description, see page 5-.

CL[typ] Create Library. If the library does not exist, it will be created automatically. The standard prompt "Create Library ?" will not be displayed. If the library does exist, this parameter has no effect.

If typ is specified, then the library will be created using this parameter. Possible values are : F/L/P/P2/N. Standard: P

Examples of how names are constructed when adding to different library types, if the name of the file to be added is: ABC.S.TESTFILE1


LMS (ISAM) --> TESTFILE (8 characters of the last partial qualif.)

PLAM --> S/ABC.S.TESTFILE1 (S = Standard element type)


The Variable Action ONXADD can also be used to copy elements from one library (FMS/LMS/PLAM) to another.