ONX/cmd Execute BS2000 command

ONX/cmd-name cmd-param

A BS2000 command is executed for each marked file/Job variable. Only the command name (e.g. FILE) and the command parameter (e.g. SPACE=-9999) needs to be given. The two parts of the Variable Action must be separated with a blank. Upon execution, CFS will substitute the file or JV name in the command.

For the Variable Action to substitute the file name, the eventual BS2000 command needs to be structured as follows:

/cmd-name file-name,cmd-param. Commands with a different structure, such as /SETJV (jv, start,len),value can also be processed with a Variable Action by specifying the string !NAME at the point at which the file name should be substituted.


If an SDF command is intended when specifying cmd-name, then the SDF prompt screen can be displayed by entering ONX/cmd-name? and the individual parameters can then be entered. The string $$NAME will be passed as a dummy variable for the file name from the first positional parameter. $$NAME may not be deleted or modified. All parameters completed from the SDF prompt screens are saved and will then be substituted during the execution of the SDF command.

The SDF prompt screen can also be requested via the parameters for a particular keyword XYZ: ONX/cmd-name ...,XYZ=*PAR(?)

The parameters relating to a set of completed SDF prompt screens, and the SDF command name can be saved to a CFS parameter set %name, to be reused later. This is achieved by entering the command SP VAR%name [,jrsave] from the CFS file list. The Variable Action representing the SDF command and its associated parameters can be executed by entering: ONX%name [,jrsave] [,?].

Entering ? will cause the contents of the parameter set to be displayed.

For examples, see page 5-.



For Variable Actions ONX/CAT... / ONX/CATJV..., STATE=U will be appended if it was not explicitly entered as a CAT parameter.


ONX/SETJV (!NAME,128,10),'28.02.1992'




The last three commands can also be used for library elements.

With libraries, ON&/ERASE will effect a DELETE on all selected library elements (of interest for CFS procedures).

ON&/PRINT ... will print the selected library elements.