OPEN Open Files under Current Userid

OPEN This User Option displays all open files under the current userid. A prerequisite for this User Option is that the system administrator has first started the CFS-Holdertask under TSOS (/ENTER CFS.S. LMSLIB(CFSHT) ).

Selection parameter:  [ I | O | E | N | PR | SEC[EX] ] [ ... ] [, TSN=tsn] [, LINK [=link]] [, POOL=isam-pool ] [,D-IO[S] [><=x] [,INT=sec] [, RW] ]

I all files opened for Input

O all files opened for Output, Outin, Inout, Update, Extend

E all files opened with Exec (loaded programs, SDF syntax files)

N all files assigned with a FILE command, but not yet, or no longer, open (inactive TFT entries)

PR all files locked by a print command (PR ...,LOCK=YES)

SEC all files reserved with a shareable or exclusive SECURE command

Standard: IOSECPR

The options I O E N PR SEC[EX] may be used in any combination, and in any order (e.g. IO / OIE / IOENSEC).

TSN=tsn Display all TFT entries of the specified TSN. The description of a system task can be specified instead of a TSN. Example: TSN=M.

LINK The link names used to open the files will be displayed. Standard: No file link names will be displayed.

link Only those files with the specified link name will be selected and displayed. Example: LINK=ECERDLOD will select all loaded programs.


By specifying a pool name, all NK-ISAM files belonging to that pool will be selected.

D-IO [><=x]

The number of IO's incurred by each file during a particular time interval (default = 30 seconds) will be displayed in the AGE column. In contrast to the D-IOS option (see below), files opened by more than one task will be displayed for each instance in the list, along with the respective TSN and the number of IO's. All files that have used less than, more than, or exactly x IO's can be selected by entering ><=x . For example: OPENS D-IO>0

D-IOS [><=x]

The number of IO's incurred by each file during a particular time interval (default = 30 seconds) will be displayed in the AGE column. Files which have been opened by more than one task will have the total number of IO's performed by all tasks displayed. '****' will appear in the TSN column, indicating that the IO value does not represent one particular task. All files that have used less than, more than, or exactly x IO's can be selected by entering ><=x .


User Option: OPENS,D-IOS>0 and Sort Option: AGE,D

The names of the open files will be selected and sorted in ascending order by number of IO's used.


Length of the interval for D-IO, in seconds. Standard: INT=30.

In order to calculate the IO values, CFS will be placed in a wait state for the specified number of seconds.

RW The number of read and write IO's incurred by each file will be displayed in the first two columns in place of LASTP and TYP.

If no selection parameters are specified, all files opened in input or output mode will be displayed. The following files will not be displayed:

- those opened in EXEC mode (loaded programs, SDF syntax files)

- those assigned with a File command, but not yet opened

Output of the OPEN User Option:

The TSN of the task that opened the file (or that which issued the File command) will be displayed in the User Option column. Next to the TSN, the mode in which the file was opened will be displayed:

I Input

O Output

IO Inout

OI Outin

U Update

E Extend

EX Exec

R Reverse

_ Inactive TFT entry. File is presently not open.

S File is reserved with a shareable Secure command

SE File is reserved with an exclusive Secure command

PR File is being printed with PRINT ...,LOCK=YES

An asterisk (*) in front of the open mode indicates that the file has been opened with SHARUPD=YES.

Open NK-ISAM files will have the name of the ISAM pool displayed in the first column of the file list (LASTP column).


If no SORT OPTION was specified, the files selected by the OPEN User Option will be listed in TSN order, and then in the order of the FILE commands. A file can appear more than once in the list, if it was opened by more than one task.

Displaying all TSN's that have opened a particular file can be achieved by executing an OPN Action Code for the file. The OPN Action Code will display, in contrast to the OPEN User Option, the TSN's belonging to userid's other than the current userid.

After files have been selected with the OPEN User Option, the Action Code S will perform a /STA tsn command for the specified TSN.

The current contents of SAM and PAM files opened in output mode can be displayed with the Action Code D.

IO calculation with the D-IO option: the KDCMON program cannot be used for the duration of the IO evaluation. Conversely, the D-IO option cannot be used during a KDCMON measurement period. A D-IO evaluation can also not be performed by more than one user at a time. A "KDCMON active" message will be displayed if a second user attempts to use the option. If this message appears, and KDCMON is not loaded, the lock situation can be resolved by specifying the X-IO option instead of D-IO.

A file list created with D-IO can be sorted with the CFS command SORT D-IO,D on ascending IO usage. Sorting can also be achieved by entering AGE,D in the SORT OPTION field of the selection mask.



All files opened in output mode by tasks running under the current userid.


All files locked with a print command issued with a LOCK=YES parameter.


All files requested or secured with a Secure command.


All TFT entries assigned to TSN 9011 that exist at the time of selection.


All active or inactive TFT entries, together with the respective link names.


All NK-ISAM files attached to the pool $TASK01.

File List Format for OPEN User Option:

With a mouseclick you get a describtion of the screen item.

OPEN mit IO-Statistik:

With a mouseclick you get a describtion of the screen item.