REWR Rewrite Command for multiple Update

AI Add with Increment of version.

The AI mode of CFS is set temporarily during the Rewrite execution. When rewriting LMS-ISAM or PLAM library elements , the version description of the new element is incremented by 1.

NCD No Check for Last Update.

When writing the resulting records from a BS2000 file under OSD V1 or higher, or from a PLAM library, the Last Update date will be written as well as the name of the data object. In this way it can be ascertained if the data object has been amended since the ONXFIND Action was performed. If this is the case, the Rewrite for the data object will not be performed, since it may lead to data inconsistency.

The NCD option allows the user to deactivate the Last Update check.

ARO Access Read Overwrite.

This option allows files cataloged as ACCESS=READ and/or RETPD>0 to be rewritten as well.

XL eXtra Library.

This parameter has only one function when Rewriting library elements, and then only if the BAK=suffix-1 or SUF=suffix-2 parameter is specified. The original (BAK=) or modified (SUF=) library elements will always be written under their original name to a new library named name.suffix-1/2, irrespective of the standard process. name is the name of the library currently being processed.

CL=nn Check Length.

Before writing the result records from the FIND file back to the original data object, it will be checked for length. If the original length is exceeded, that record will not be overwritten. The rejected records from the Write file will be transferred to the Error file (see below: "Rewrite Error Handling").

The specified value nn represents the maximum length which the records from the Write file may have after being written back to the original data object. The record length field of 4 bytes is not included in the calculation.

Example: REWR file,CL=72

After a string manipulation in the Write file using EDT (for example, ON&C'T9G'T'TAPE-C4'), it could occur that the DO procedure continuation character '-' is pushed beyond column 72 after the Rewrite operation. By specifying CL=72, those records will then not be written back to the original file, but will be written instead to the Error file.


FIND function with saving of results (ONXFIND...=W file): All records of procedures/macros/source programs containing a continuation character are treated as a logical unit. If the search item is found in one of these records, then all records of this logical unit are transfered. The record in which the hit actually occured is flagged with an 'X' in column 2.

For PLAM library elements with the default version description of 'FF', Rewriting with the option AI will cause the original element to have the version number 001 and the amended element to have the version number 002.

When Rewriting FMS elements the AI option is meaningless.