*&var= Assigning Procedure Variables

*&var1 = [ &var2 | [C|L|X]'string' ] [ .&var3 | .[C|L|X]'string' ] ...

The value following the '=' sign will be asigned to the procedure variable &var1. A procedure variable can also be assigned a value calculated by an aritmetical operation on two constants or other variables. The syntax of such a construction is described below.

&var2 &name [ ( [s] [, l] ) ]

Value or substring of a CFS procedure variable.

&name  Name of a CFS procedure variable or %PTR.

%PTR can be used with regard to positions of search string results returned by previous *IF %OUT=... or *ON %OUT=... statements.

%PTR(1,l) represents, for example, a string that is l byte long, occuring after the string found with the %OUT string. For a full example of the usage of %PTR, see page 19-.

%PTR0(1,l) represents the first byte of the search string, or the first byte of the first of a sequence of search strings linked with *.

s optional specification of the start column for a substring of the variable. ( 1 <= s < 80 ). Negative columns can also be specified for %PTR.

%PTR(s,l) indicates a string l bytes long, beginning at position s-1 behind that position at which the string found by %OUT begins.

%PTR(-s,l) indicates a string l bytes long, beginning s positions before the string found by %OUT.

Standard: s = 1.


Text to be searched: 123abc---------xyz789

*IF %OUT='abc'*'xyz'

*&VAR=%PTR(1,3) --> &VAR='789'

*&VAR=%PTR(-3,4) --> &VAR='-xyz'

*&VAR=%PTR0(1,4) --> &VAR='abc-'

*&VAR=%PTR0(-3,4) --> &VAR='123a'

l optional specification of the substring length. ( 1 <= l <= 80 ).

Standard: l = Full length of the variable.

[C|L|X]'string' constant string. C'string' is equivalent to 'string'. L'string' will result in the lowercase letters in string not being converted to uppercase. Apostrophes within a string must be entered twice ('').

If the variable is assigned a numerical value, the apostrophes can be omitted: *&var=[-]num

Examples: *&N=1, *&COUNTER=-10

.&var3 Multiple substrings can be suffixed to the variable in the form .&var | .'string'. A fullstop must be specified as a separator before the second and later substrings.


The name of a procedure variable that has not yet been declared can be specified for &var1. The variable will automatically be created, and can be used immediately.

A Procedure variable can also be assigned a value captured from a Display file. For further information, see the W (Write) command on page 8- and the S,..=W command (Search and Rewrite) on page 8-.

*&var1 = [ &var2 | value ] op [ &var3 | value ]

The result of the arithmetical calculation following the '=' sign will be assigned to &var1.

&var2 | &var3   Name of a CFS Procedure variable.

value numerical constant: [-] number.

op arithmetical operator:

+ | - | * | /


The *RUN procedure statement can be used to perform complex operations, perhaps also including search conditions, on procedure variables. For further information, see page 19-.

If procedure variables are specified as arithmetical operands, these must contain numerical values ([-]number). An exception is the CFS-internal variable &DATE (yy-mm-dd). &DATE can be arithmetically linked by + or - to a numeric constant. The result is still a date.

If two values are divided, the result will be rounded. If an attempt is made to divide by zero, then the &var1 variable will not be assigned a value (equivalent to &var1='').


*&T1='Connection 1: Application '

The specified character string will be assigned to variable &T1.

*IF &CON1 = '' &T1 = &T1.' not opened'

If Connection 1 has not been opened (contents of variable &CON1 = ''), the character string ' not opened' and the previous value of the variable &T1 will be concatenated.

*IF &CON1 -= '' &T1 = &T1.&CON1

If the CFS-internal variable &CON1 is not empty (''), i.e. if Connection 1 has been opened, then &T1 and &CON1 will be concatenated.

*&DZ = &DATE(7,2).'.'.&DATE(4,2).'.' .&DATE(1,2).' '

*&DZ = &DZ.&TIME(1,2).':'.&TIME(3,2).':'.&TIME(5,2)

A new variable &DZ will be constructed from the CFS-internal variables &DATE (yy-mm-dd) and &TIME (hhmmss), which will contain the following: 'dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss'.


The value in &VAR1 will be incremented by 1 and assigned to &COUNT.


The value in &VAR will be decremented by the value in &N.


The variable &D will be assigned tomorrows date (dd-mm-yy).

Further examples can be found on page 20-.